Yorkshire Council Seat Election 2021 – have your say
The Law Society is currently holding its election of Council Seats and one of our Yorkshire Constituency Seats is up for election this year with the ballot opening this week . There are two candidates for the Role : CANDIDATE […]

The Law Society is currently holding its election of Council Seats and one of our Yorkshire Constituency Seats is up for election this year with the ballot opening this week .
There are two candidates for the Role :
Eligible Solicitors registered within the Yorkshire Constituency Region should have received a ballot voting notifcation this week . It will have come from CIVICA Election Services and will have arrived in your email box as a message from takepart@cesvotes.com with a heading Law Society Council Elections - you might need to check your spam filter if you are eligible to vote but do not appear to have received the email .
To ensure no-one has missed the opportunity to see the candidates statements or engage in the election we are publishing both statements on this page - click the candidates name above . We are also emailing them to all the local law societies .
We are sure either candidate will be delighted to speak to you if you wish to discuss their candidacy .
We would strongly encourage you to support the candidates by casting a vote , the deadline for your vote is 4pm on Monday 27th September 2021