Nick Emmerson

Amy Clowery Yorkshire Council Member 

Amy is a Council Member for Yorkshire and Humberside. She is also a Director and Solicitor at Switalskis Solicitors and represents survivors of abuse with a particular interest in child sexual exploitation and grooming, predominantly in the South and West Yorkshire areas.


In addition, Amy is also a Committee Member of the Civil Justice Committee of The Law Society and Education Representative of the Yorkshire Union for Lawyers. She was previously heavily involved with The Law Society’s Junior Lawyers Division, having been Chair between 2018-19.


Alongside her client work, Amy is the firm’s Training Principal responsible for trainee solicitors and Graduate Solicitor Apprentices.



Current Law Society Issues 

A selection of the key issues of interest to us all currently

dangerous coronavirus Covid-19 virus in a laboratory - infection of 2019-nCoV virus.  Global pandemic risk due to coronavirus outbreak

Covid 19

The Latest Covid 19 Legal News and Guidance

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View of a Businessman hand holding mobile phone with justice icon

Court Reform

HMCS Reforms and Changes

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Civil Justice

Reforms to the Civil Justice and PI Market

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Law Society Governance

The Law Society Governance Structure and Changes

Regulatory Reform

Information and Updates on the Mayson Review dealing with reform of Regulation

Fake Dictionary, Dictionary definition of the word regulation.
Pre Charge Bail

Criminal Legal Aid 

The on going reform of the Criminal Justice System and Legal Aid Funding for Providers

Hot Topics

The latest on the Reform of the Solicitors Entrance Exams

The latest plans for our Exit from Europe and the on going trade arrangements as it effects the legal market

IInformation and Resources on how technology is changing legal practice

Guidance on Equality and Diversity Good Practice for you and your firm

The latest anti money laundering guidance and directives from the Law Society

Guidance on Professional Indemnity Insurance and Renewal Strategies

Training and Resources from the Law Society

Practice Support and Assistance from the Law Society

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